Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thoughts on “What Is The Right Thing To Do”

People, I included, spend so much time on deciding “what is the right thing to do.”

Some scenarios:

+ A guy/girl likes a person and he/she does not know if they should confess their feelings. (What if she/he doesn’t like me? What if she/he does? What if the confession changes our relationship? What if, what if?)

+ It’s the holiday season and I am doing holiday shopping. There’s always that one or two friends that you don’t really know if you are exchanging presents this year or not and you don’t really feel like buying them a present. (But…what if they got you a present? What if they get upset that you didn’t get them anything? But if you do get them something, what if they didn’t get you anything, would you be upset? Would it have been a waste of money?)

+ You have only such limited time in a day and you know who you would want to spend it with but you have other friends that bug you about not hanging out with them enough. (Should you spread your time evenly amongst your friends regardless of how much you want to spend time with them? Which is worse? You depriving of your fun or having your fun and possibly making someone else feel bad?)

and the list can go on! So many “What if” situations and difficult decisions. But see, I’ve come to realize they don’t have to be so difficult. The simple answer is always: Do What You Want To Do.
Ask yourself, what do I want?

Do you want her to know your feelings? If yes, then Tell her. Yes, you’ll have to deal with the consequences, but aren’t there always consequences to an action? No matter how safe you play the game, there are consequences to every action taken and every action not taken. But, think: aren’t the consequences easier to deal when you’ve done something you wanted instead of preventing yourself from doing something you wanted due to who knows what you were thinking?

Who’s to say the results are better either way? How would you know without having done anything? Would you rather spend your life regretting what you “could’ve, should’ve, would’ve, but didn’t?” or KNOW that you did what you wanted and all the rest is/was out of your hands. At times like those, you just gotta roll with the punches.

The moral of the story: Life is short. You can’t know what everyone else wants or how to help them achieve what they want, so worry about what YOU want. What makes you happy? When you figure that out, just do it.

*Disclaimer: Do what you want within boundaries of not hurting anyone; nothing that will greatly negatively effect their wellbeing (hurting someone’s feelings by not buying them a present is very different from killing someone.)*

To answer the above scenarios:

Confess your feelings, if it works out, it works out. If not, you’ll find someone else with whom it will work out with.

Spend your money on people you want; people whom you’ll be glad to have given presents to regardless if they gave you presents or not. Isn’t that what giving presents is all about?

Spend your time, which is even more precious than money, on people you want. You can’t please everyone, so please yourself and ones you love.

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