Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Take time...

to tell your loved ones how much you truly love and appreciate them.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Two Roles in Love

Most, if not all, people in this world want to find their other half, you know, the one that completes them…however, there is a period of time before that person comes along and the way I see, there are two roles one could play during that period of wait time:

The one loving/chasing: you’re in love, or feel like you’re in love, with someone. Unrequited.

The one loved/chased: unknowingly, or knowingly, you are the apple of someone else’s eye.

I feel like everyone, yes, just about everyone, has played both roles at one time or another and oftentimes has played both roles simultaneously!

The problem is...I find that it’s a lose-lose situation. If you are the one loving/chasing…well, I don’t need to explain the heartache of unrequited love. However, if you are the one loved/chased… it’s not like you have it easy either. Without knowing it, you are probably hurting the person who is chasing you. You could simply be doing what you are doing, talking to who you are talking to…and there’s someone thinking about you and interpreting all your actions and words. Since they are the one loving…well, now that just brings us back to the heartache of the one chasing, doesn't it?

There's no easy solution, well, there's no solution at all, is there? Not one I can see. It's a part of life...This common human phenomenon happens to all of us and we just have to ride it out. No matter what role we are playing... we just have to keep moving forward and do what we gotta do. Sometimes I find it's easier to try to think about what the other person is going through.... don't get mad at the person for not returning your love, just be there for them, because after all, isn't that what you do for those you love? And if you are being chased, be conscientious and be a good friend, don't take advantage.

I don't know what point I'm trying to make... Maybe I just wanted to point out that one is oftentimes playing both roles and you will be hurting ...but when it hurts the most...believe that the pain will pass, believe that you will retire from these roles in our own time, believe that you will find someone that will make all these silly roles irrelevant.

"If you are lonely, be patient."