Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thoughts on Friendship

Over the years, I've had lots of conversations about the treasured concept of "friendship." (Not to mention the countless personal encounters with it.) What is it? What is real? What will last? What is "true friendship?"

I can't say I've come to any real conclusions...but here's a theory in the works:

We are all living our own lives and we all have our own goals and plans for ourselves and the world we live in. Along the way of our life, we meet people that are living their lives as well. Sometimes, 2 people's lives collide and they form a relationship of some sort, any sort (friendship, romantic, etc) and the healthy ones are where both people benefit. But the thing is, in the end, we are all living our own lives and sometimes we meet people whose lives will stay parallel to ours for years to come but sometimes, we meet people that are amazing but our relationships are short and sweet....and... that's ok. I think this is a piece of life that people have to come to terms with sometime in their lifetime.

Having a Best friend doesn't necessarily mean they’ll be with you for a lifetime and they’re not forever perfect. What it does mean is that you have someone in your life that you share a very strong connection and bond with, a connection/bond that you don’t share with any other person in your life. They understand you, support you, love you for who you are. But the sad thing is, there is never a guarantee they’ll be in your life forever. Some are, some aren’t. You’re lucky if you have someone to call a best friend right now, that’s more than a lot of people can say. But you know what, if they leave you, you found one, you can find another. People come and go in our lives and some touch you for a brief moment and you’ll never see them again, some last a lifetime… regardless of how long the relationship lasts, it’s what happens while they’re in your life that counts.

The important thing is to remember the good & focus on the good…and be thankful for all the good that did come out of your relationships. Different people move us along in life…each unique and wonderful in their own way.

Hold on to your treasured friendships, hold onto those special people in your lives. But, don't hold on too tight, for if they want to go, let them go, for this is where the parallel ends.

Cherish every person, every moment. Always.

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